We’re so glad you’re interested in taking a class at our studio. Here is what you need to know before your first visit:
We open our doors 15 minutes before class starts. We recommend arriving early so you can find our space for the first time. We’re located in a basement and sometimes it can be tricky to find! We will also ask you to fill out a waiver before class starts.
Please ensure your phone is turned off or silenced when you arrive. All cell phone use is to be done outside of the studio.
We take cash, card, Apple Pay, Venmo, and payment through the website. We’re just like any other business and can take payment in any number of ways in studio.
We are a shoe free studio. Please remove your shoes as soon as you enter the studio.
Please do not apply perfume, scented oils or lotions just prior to entering the studio. Some students have odor sensitivities and/or allergies. We try to clean the studio with scent free products and do not burn herbs or incense in our studio space.
Belongings may be stored in cubbies. Please note that while these are inside the yoga space, the studio is not liable for any stolen or lost property.
First time ever
trying yoga?
Yoga is for everybody.
You don’t need to have a certain mat or brand name yoga clothes.
Here is what we recommend for your first time on the mat:
Wear comfortable clothing. You don’t need to go out and buy a yoga mat or yoga pants in order to try yoga. Just pick an outfit that allows you to move!
Let the instructor know that it’s your first time doing yoga. We like to show new students a few foundational poses so that you have some familiar places to come back to during your first class.
Set up somewhere in the middle of the room. We’re not going to lie, sometimes your first yoga class can feel overwhelming. It doesn’t mean it will always feel that way! Especially when the pose names are new to you, it can be helpful to have other students in front and on either side of you for a visual guide.
Take breaks when you need to. You don’t have to do every single pose. Go slow and listen to your body.
Try to have fun! Do your best not to take it too seriously - it’s just yoga!